Saturday, July 23, 2011


If you live in Southern, CA. The spcaLA is having an event July 23 called, Kittenpalooza!! It's a place to go adopt cats and kittens. They really need good homes and great owners. If you can, go adopt an animal!

Click here for Kittenpalooza info.

12910 Yukon Avenue.
Hawthorne, CA
(310) 676-1149

My Jamba Juice WOW video!

Click here to watch!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jamba Juice WOW Ambassador!!!!

I love Jamba Juice so much!! My favorite smoothie is their Strawberry Wild and I love their Chunky Strawberry Topper (the perfect breakfast!!) and their Tomato Twists are so delicious. CANNOT wait to go there tomorrow!! I love the clothes and the photos entirely. They're so bright and colorful; they make me happy just looking at them (and make me want to head out to Jamba), but it's 11:30 at night and unless there's a Jamba open that I don't know about!!! then I'm going to bed. I had a fabulous day at work and am exhausted. And really dying for all the above mentioned Jamba products right nowwww!